Teacher Retirement Planning Sessions

MainePERS offers two types of presentations for members of MainePERS Teacher Retirement Plan:  Intro to Teacher Plan and Ready to Retire

The Intro to Teacher Plan session provides a general overview and is open to anyone who wants to learn more about the plan.  Members do not need a retirement estimate to take part in this presentation.  Topics covered include how your retirement benefit is calculated, how service credit accrues, eligibility/vesting, and common MainePERS terms. 

The Ready to Retire session is for those who are eligible and intend to retire within the next year and who have received a retirement estimate within the past year. Topics covered include how each benefit payment option works, how benefits are paid, and other common retirement questions.

To attend either session, call 1-800-451-9800 or use the links below to pre-register. If you need to request a retirement estimate, contact the Teacher Unit at [email protected] or by calling 1-800-451-9800.

PLEASE NOTE: Only online sessions are currently being offered, each hosted through the ZOOM program. Information about accessing these sessions will be sent to you after registration. Online sessions do not have individual meetings or paperwork assistance at this time, but you may contact our office for additional assistance as needed.

MEA and MEA-Retired

MEA and MEA-Retired host pre-retirement informational sessions for organization members that are held throughout the fall and spring at various locations.

**This is separate from the MainePERS retirement planning sessions listed on this page.**

For more information see www.maineeea.org.

2024 Retirement Planning Sessions

Introduction to Teacher Plan


Ready to Retire

Wednesday5/22/20242:30 p.m.READY TO RETIREONLINEREGISTER
Thursday10/24/20242:30 p.m.READY TO RETIREONLINEREGISTER