Before You Join MainePERS

The Maine Public Employees Retirement System (MainePERS) administers Retirement Plans, Group Life Insurance, and Disability Retirement benefits to eligible employees.
Are you thinking of starting or returning to a career in public service? Or have you already accepted a new job and are trying to sort out all of the decisions you need to make as a new employee? Our handbook for new members offers basic information about the benefits for which you may be eligible. You can also find online handbooks and information to help you answer the questions about the decisions your employer may ask you to make for each of the retirement plans we administer.
Congratulations on starting a new career adventure, and thank you for your interest in public service. We are here to help with your retirement plan questions whenever you need us. Contact us.
Videos for New Employees with Optional MainePERS Membership
PLD Employees
State Employees
Teacher Employees
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